Reviews are Key to Help Your Books

I’m learning just how important reviews of your book can be. Reviews are the key to helping elevate your book on selling sites. You will want to ask your readers to post reviews to key book sale sites. Sites like (#Amaxon) or on (#Goodreads).  These are all good places to have reviews posted.

Amazon will actually elevate your book onto some of their book selling promotion positions once you have 50 reviews posted. The reviews are rated even stronger reviews if the reviewer bought the book on Amazon.  Make sure you familiarize yourself with both these sites as well as others.

Getting reviews sounds easier than it is. Everyone will tell you they will take the time to add a review, but they forget, get busy, or simply don’t think about it. There are some things you can do to help boost your review requests.

One way to make it easier for your readers to review your book is to give them something that spells out how to do the review process. Provide them links like this one for my book, Murder at Broadcast Park (#Murder)

Don’t be afraid to ask your readers to give you an honest review when they finish reading your book. Ask them over and over. Remind them over and over. It is part of the business of writing. If you want to be a successful, profitable writer, ask for reviews. And never stop asking for reviews.

Good writing!